Swedish Open
The evening festivities at the Skistar Swedish Open in Båstad are as good as the tennis! We have adorned the front courtyard of Hotel Skansen with two of our white stretch tents - one on either side of the entrance.
Summer Of Love
It has truly been the summer of sun, sunsets and above all things, LOVE! We teamed up with the lovely wedding planning team from Brudepikene in Norway and rigged one of our beautiful white stretch tents for the reception area
Fine Weather and Fast Cars
If these walls, we mean stretch tents could talk, we’d bet they’d say that these two Autoropa events are some of the coolest events they have ever had to cover. We think that the pictures speak for themselves as to
Inside OUT
Today we popped in at Varbergs Kusthotell to admire our striking 6x9m black stretch tent that stretches out over a grassy area outside the hotel’s front entrance. Wow, does this coastal hotel have it right. This three month long heat
Europe’s Best Beach Club
...and it’s not hard to see why. This palm tree, daybed, blue skied oasis is located on Gotland’s coast in Visby and offers one insane lineup during the summer months. *WARNING*- namedropping about to commence. Kallis Visby hosts well known
It seems as though the entire Swedish population has assembled under this newly rigged 800 sqm monster of a stretch tent to watch the Swedish football team progress to the quarter finals! Either that, or an epic game of “Where’s